Bellow you can find the partners of this programme


Collège Elsa Triolet in Varennes sur Seine, France, is a public school which  provides secondary education for students aged 11 to 15. We offer a general education program in line with the French Ministry of Education’s programs, and  various skills pathways. We offer Latin as an option, English ,German or Spanish  from 5th grade. We also have a ULIS (Unité Localisée pour l’Inclusion Scolaire) unit for children with special needs, where pupils benefit from both specialized and inclusive teaching, depending on their profile. We focus on well-being at school, thanks to anti-bullying programs, but also develop activities based on health improvement. 

Génération Numérique Association

Génération Numérique Association, founded in 2004, is accredited by the French Ministry of Education. Its aim is to act as a complementary resource for national and family education, offering preventive interventions and raising awareness of the challenges of digital and media education. The association works closely with organizations such as CNIL, ARCOM and several ministries to meet the need for information and education in the digital environment. Specialized facilitators, located throughout mainland France, take part in sessions in schools, middle schools, high schools and out-of-school structures on a variety of subjects, including cyber-bullying, the use of social networks and best practices on the Internet. Génération Numérique has developed a recognized expertise in helping young people face the challenges of digital citizenship.

Directorate of Services of Educational Technologies and Innovative Learning Environments

The Directorate of Services of Educational Technologies and Innovative Learning Environments from the Regional Directorate of Education (DSTAIA-DRE) develops educational projects in the Madeira archipelago. This directorate integrates several multidisciplinary teams that support and develop educational projects in the Region’s schools with the aim to innovate education and implement new learning strategies.”

Primary School of Ippeios

The Primary School of Ippeios is a public institution, in the village of Ippeios, a rural area on the island of Lesvos, Greece, about 15 kilometers from the capital, Mytilene. It consists of 6 classes, 65 students and 10 teachers, offering primary education in accordance with the national curriculum, aiming to provide equal opportunities to all the learners in an inclusive learning environment. Our students come from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, so over the past few years, our school has actively participated in several Erasmus+ and eTwinning programs, in order to  empower them with the EU ethics and offer them new experiences to broaden their horizons, thus enriching our students’ educational experiences through international collaboration. 

We are trying to overcome any educational challenges by working closely with the Regional Directorate of Education of the North Aegean, the University of the Aegean and the Parents’ Association, and by running many innovative projects, that will help us change our school policy and improve the quality of teaching.  We are an eTwinning school which means that apart from the fact that we have a strong internationalization policy, we are a school which acts as a leader in the eTwinning world, as a great example of how whole schools can benefit from European projects and how democratic procedures can be implemented in the learning process. Moreover, we are involved in a “Jean Monnet-Learning the EU initiatives for schools” project to promote EU values and to develop active citizenship in our school and the wider school community.

university of aegean / PrivaSI Lab

The University of the Aegean (UAegean) was founded in 1984. It is a Network University of academic ports of studies and research, successfully established in 6 campuses spread across the Aegean Archipelago, and offers a unique academic, natural, cultural, and human environment to experience. UAegean has established strong partnerships and effective communication with several national, European, and International Universities, Institutions, Organizations, Authorities, and the public. It is a solid social and economic factor and acts as Regional Innovator in the 2 Greek Regions of the Aegean Archipelago: The North Aegean and the South Aegean Region. The plethora of UAegean’s research projects is designed to improve the regional Innovation Capabilities for Human Capital Development, Entrepreneurship & Technology Transfer, Career Development, and Mobility of Researchers (brain gain).


The PrivaSI Lab supports interdisciplinary research and specializes in Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering,Applied Computer Sciences, Usable Security and Privacy, Cloud Forensics, Adaptive Security and Privacy, and Social Informatics. New technologies have also been incorporated in laboratory’s research areas,such as 3D design,printing and scanning,Gamification,Game-based Learning,Virtual Reality,Augmented Reality.The Lab has a strong international research profile through various collaborations with international academic institutions and other scientific and industrial stakeholders from abroad.Its actions concern several scientific and research agreements,resulting the organizing of seminars, international conferences,life-long learning programmes and summer schools,the participation in funded European research projects,in European Erasmus+ mobilities,as well as the active networking with International Scientific Organizations,Universities and Industry.

Gislev Friskole

Gislev Friskole is a free private school situated in a rural area. The school was founded in 1872 and its ideology is based on Grundtvig and Kold. We have 112 students within the age of 6-16 years. We teach from Kindergarten to 9’th grade at the school. We are 9 teachers, 3 pedagogical employees, 7 kindergarten teachers and 4 practical workers at the school. In addition to the school is an affiliated private Kindergarten “Solstrålen” with 44 children in the age of 2,5-6 years old. The school and the kindergarten are about to unite in the spring 2017, with the school headmistress as the leader of both institutions. Gislev Friskole is the only free school in Denmark accredited in the Erasmus + programme. The accreditation period is 2021- 2027 which was awarded due to our long and thorough work with our international profile.

Programme Erasmus+ call 2024

Action Type : Cooperation in School Education (KA220-SCH)

Project Code : 2024-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000254219

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. [2024-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000254219]

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